
About Shelter Movers Edmonton

Shelter Movers Edmonton is a volunteer-powered charitable organization providing moving and storage services at no cost to individuals and families fleeing abuse. We collaborate with local businesses and community agencies to support people, primarily women and children, as they transition to a life free of violence.

Learn more about Shelter Movers: About

For information on how to donate please visit: Donate


We are currently seeking volunteers for the following:

  • Movers & Drivers (Urgent need)


We are currently seeking applicants for the following roles:

No open positions at this time. 

On December 9th 2022, the Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, met with Shelter Movers Executive Director, Marc Hull-Jacquin in Edmonton to announce funding for Shelter Movers’ Prairies Scale Up project. The new project will establish chapters across the Prairies, beginning in Alberta.

Shelter Movers Edmonton is one of the first chapters to launch as part of our expansion into the prairies!

“One of the most dangerous times in the life of someone experiencing violence is when they are getting ready to leave. Through this investment in Shelter Movers, we are committed to making part of that decision easier. After meeting with members of Shelter Movers today, I’m inspired by how these incredible people, who are mostly volunteers, work day in and day out to ensure that survivors of gender-based violence can move safely and quickly from unsafe environments. I’d like to ask Canadians to consider volunteering for organizations like Shelter Movers—to strengthen your own communities and improve the quality of life of all Canadians."

Rebekah H

Meet Rebekah

Edmonton Chapter Director

For seven years, Rebekah Hansen has provided direct support to women and children impacted by gender-based violence. Before becoming Shelter Movers Edmonton’s Chapter Director, she worked with a women’s shelter, where she provided frontline support within the shelter, operated a crisis line and supported public education on gender-based violence prevention.

Rebekah is currently acting as Past President of the BGC Whitecourt & District Board of Directors. In her free time she enjoys warm weather, camping, kayaking, and taking spontaneous road trips.


We are currently seekings volunteers to support:

  • Moving/operations support
  • Volunteer services
  • Fundraising/event planning
  • Marketing & communications
  • Information technology


No open positions at this time. 

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.