Join us for an UnGala Event Like No Other

September 20th from 7:00-10:00 pm

The Event

Experience a truly unique evening - an UnGala Event Like No Other. As with our other Moving Stories events, attendees will enjoy spectacular entertainment, auctions, and inspiring speakers with a cocktail in hand and a spread of delicious snacks. Unlike our other galas, Moving Stories: Unboxing New Beginnings will invite attendees from every corner of the Ottawa community front row and centre into the puzzle of how we give survivors a chance at writing a new story for their lives.

Among stunning exhibitions that highlight the potential of art to transform our culture, this UnGala will feature a live puzzle game from Jetpack Studios, creator of the wildly successful Locked Zoo™ and Locked Library™. Explore the Ottawa Art Gallery and learn all about Shelter Movers as you endeavor to solve an elaborate series of puzzles (& win the prize!) before the evening ends.

Moving Stories: Unboxing New Beginnings invites you to dress up or dress down, grab your friends (or be ready to make some!) and come out to experience our UnGala - an event like no other!

The Cause

Abuse can affect anyone, but women and girls are disproportionately affected. Across Canada, a woman or girl is killed every other day, most often by an intimate partner or family member.

There are many barriers to leaving an abusive relationship. Beyond feelings of fear, shame, and guilt, survivors of abuse report that the logistical challenge and financial cost of moving are major barriers to leaving. Shelter Movers Ottawa provides free moving and storage to local survivors of abuse and has completed over 1300 moves since opening in 2018. We currently move, on average, 22 families per month.

As a volunteer powered charity, Shelter Movers Ottawa is entirely dependent on the generosity of individuals and businesses to fund volunteer training, vehicle and storage rentals, interpretation services, pet fostering, and more. By attending this event, you can be part of the growing movement to move survivors in the Ottawa community to safety. Your support changes lives!

This event gives us the opportunity to engage with our community in a new way - come as you are, contribute how you can, and get involved in what we do! Bid on a getaway in the auction and connect with our CEO, or just have a cocktail and solve the live puzzle game way faster than your friends. An UnGala represents what Shelter Movers Ottawa truly is for our community - a place where there's something for everyone and everyone is welcome.


Serving Our Community

As the only service of our kind in Canada, Shelter Movers helps survivors of family and gender-based violence transition to a better, safer life. We collaborate with local businesses and community partners to provide moving and storage services free of cost; removing barriers that survivors face when fleeing violence.

Thank you to our Unbelievable UnGala Sponsors!

Uncanny UnGala Sponsorship Opportunities...

The first-tier sponsorship opportunity, “Storyteller”, starts at $1,000. Your company will be visible on our programs and in a digital presentation during the event. Storyteller sponsors receive four tickets to the event.

The second-tier sponsorship opportunity, “Narrator”, starts at $5,000. Your company will be highlighted in our advertising on various platforms, providing ample space to showcase your company values. Your name and logo will also be incorporated into our live puzzle game as a clue! Storyteller sponsors receive six tickets to the event. For more details refer to our sponsorship package.

The “Editor” sponsorship opportunity starts at $10,000. Your company name and logos will appear in all promotional materials, social media blasts, mentions in media ads leading up to the event, table space advertising at the event, as well as recognition in our opening and closing remarks. Your name and logo will also be incorporated into our live puzzle game as a clue! Editor sponsors receive eight tickets to the event. There are only four spaces available for this opportunity.

The “Publisher” sponsorship is our top sponsorship level, starting at $15,000. There’s only two spaces available this sponsorship. Your company name and logos will appear on all promotional pieces, event spaces, media ads leading up to the event, and be featured in our live puzzle game! Best of all, you will receive the opportunity to directly address attendees at the even. For more details refer to our sponsorship package.


Looking for more details, how to get involved, or to sponsor the event? 

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.