As a volunteer-powered organization, we learn a lot about the varied benefits of volunteering and why our volunteers enjoy donating their time.
Benefits of volunteering range from increased physical activity, creating a sense of community and purpose, to making a difference in the lives of others. Whatever your reasons for volunteering, giving your time and effort can have an incredibly positive impact on you and those around you.
Helping others
Our volunteers directly support individuals and families fleeing abuse. By physically moving survivors of gender-based violence into safety, our volunteers immediately see the lasting impact they’re making in the lives of others. This is one of the reasons why volunteering at Shelter Movers is unique and why our volunteers often report the experience as being different than other volunteer gigs.
You’re not making a difference for just one day. You’re making a difference in someone’s entire life. By being that extra hand to support them, you’re letting them know that they’re not alone and that they can reach out for help.
- Jessica, Move Coordinator
Making friends
Our volunteers come from all walks of life. Volunteering with Shelter Movers allows you to meet new like-minded people that you may not have crossed paths with otherwise. We often organize social events for our volunteers to connect with other volunteers outside of their core functions. In fact, we’ve even had volunteers meet their future spouses here!

Change of scenery
Our volunteers are on the move in more ways than one! We have chapters all over the country, each with significant service areas. Our movers get to see more of the cities and provinces they live in, with the occasion of cross-chapter moves.
I work in the city and I don’t have a car. So sometimes I can feel like I’m in a bit of a bubble. It’s nice to get around to see the city a bit more, and it’s a good workout.
- Mark, Lead Mover
Mental health
Volunteering is an opportunity to not only support your community but also to support your own mental wellbeing. Volunteering with Shelter Movers can support mental wellbeing through physical activity and connecting with others – both of which have been proven to decrease stress and improve mental health. Additionally, volunteering can boost self-esteem through the knowledge that we are contributing to a cause we care about and making a difference in the lives of others. Seeing the positive benefits of our actions can help improve our mood and sense of belonging.
Ready to volunteer with Shelter Movers? We look forward to meeting you.